1、Cost and Freight (CFR)The seller (exporter) is responsible for clearing the goods for export, delivering thegoods past the ships rail at the port of shipment and paying international freightcharges. The buyer assumes risk of loss once the goods cross the ship’s rail, andmust purchase insurance, unload the goods, clear customs, and pay for transport todeliver the goods to their final destination. If FOB is the Customs valuation basis, theinternational freight costs must be deducted from the CFR price.Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)The seller (exporter) is responsible for delivering the goods onto the vessel oftransport and clearing Customs in the country of export. He is also responsible forpurchasing insurance, with the buyer (importer) named as the beneficiary. Risk ofloss transfers to buyer as the goods cross the ship’s rail. If these goods are damagedor stolen during international transport, the buyer owns the goods and must file aclaim based on insurance procured by the seller. The buyer must clear customs inthe country of import and pay for all other transport and insurance in the country ofimport. CIF can be used as an Incoterm only when the international transport ofgoods is at least partially by water. If FOB is the Customs valuation basis, theinternational insurance and freight costs must be deducted from the CIF price. A CIFtransaction will read CIF, port of destination. For example, assuming that goods areexported to the port of Los Angeles, a CIF transaction would read “CIF Los Angeles”.。