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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。王力宏盖世英雄专辑,王力宏盖世英雄很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Yo,it`s Ji...


1、Yo,it`s Jin and Leehom
it feels good to be home
i got the skills to be know
so I`m a chill on my throne
yes ,I keeps it blazing n
from Shanghai out to Beijing
stop in Taiwan back to Hong Kong
where they stay don`t they thing
this something special ?
my coach is so contagious
they wanna kown about us
we been around for ageas
a couple thousand years
a bunch of pioneers
just artists and scholars making noise
it was loud and clear
hey yo,the future`s here
the revolution`s near
jin got the solution for pullution in your ear
不用问 你实同意 做英雄 系不容易(粤语)
you’ll got see from me just listen close to 李老师(粤语)
let’s go

