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lim yeon(yang ji yeon)

导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。lim yeon,yang ji yeon很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、 搜索引...

大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。lim yeon,yang ji yeon很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、 搜索引擎(search engine)是指根据一定的策略、运用特定的计算机程序搜集互联网上的信息,在对信息进行组织和处理后,为用户提供检索服务的系统。

2、 从使用者的角度看,搜索引擎提供一个包含搜索框的页面,在搜索框输入词语,通过浏览器提交给搜索引擎后,搜索引擎就会返回跟用户输入的内容相关的信息列表。

3、 互联网发展早期,以雅虎为代表的网站分类目录查询非常流行。




7、 A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system, such as on the World Wide Web, inside a corporate or proprietary network, or in a personal computer. The search engine allows one to ask for content meeting specific criteria (typically those containing a given word or phrase) and retrieves a list of items that match those criteria. This list is often sorted with respect to some measure of relevance of the results. Search engines use regularly updated indexes to operate quickly and efficiently. Without further qualification, search engine usually refers to a Web search engine, which searches for information on the public Web. Other kinds of search engine are enterprise search engines, which search on intranets, personal search engines, and mobile search engines. Different selection and relevance criteria may apply in different environments, or for different uses. Some search engines also mine data available in newsgroups, databases, or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input. 抓取网页 每个独立的搜索引擎都有自己的网页抓取程序(spider)。



10、 2、处理网页 搜索引擎抓到网页后,还要做大量的预处理工作,才能提供检索服务。



13、 3、提供检索服务 用户输入关键词进行检索,搜索引擎从索引数据库中找到匹配该关键词的网页;为了用户。

