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导读 工资证明有什么用,工资证明英文这个很多人还不知道,小飞来为大家解答以上的问题。现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Cirtificate of wages He


1、Cirtificate of wages Hereby to certify that ** is an employee in our company, whose ID number is ****, and current position is the assistant to General Manager. The total amount of her salary from Dec 1st 2007 to Nov 30th, 2008 is: 62,662RMB, detailed in the following: Basic salary: 1800RMB x 12 Months =21600 Working Allowance: Position Allowance: Other bonus; The information above-mentioned is affirmed. Industrail trade company Nov 24, 2008哪个城市的总经理助理工资这么高?。

