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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。英译汉翻译在线翻译句子,英译汉在线翻译句子很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Cho...


1、Chocolate first from Central America, where the tropical rainforest overgrown with lush wild cacao trees are covered with fruit, cacao. More than 1300 years ago, Yorkshire, Maya Indian using roasted beans do have a drink called chocolate. Mexican aztecs over the mayans and learn from their knowledge about chocolate. When Spanish colonists came to America in the 16th century, the aztecs and the chocolate knowledge to them. In 1504 Columbus first brought cacao curiosity to Europe, then explorer Cortes discovered it maps of commercial value and the chocolate drink to Spain. The Spaniard chocolate makes it become sweet sugar to the 17th century, when this drink in Europe who become wealthy aristocrat in. As demand increased, the cacao plant development to Brazil, Trinidad and the archipelagos of the west, and later development in west Africa and other tropical countries.。

